The Athletic -lehden toimittaja Arthur Staple kertoi Twitterissä maanantaina, että puolustaja Luca Sbisa on saanut tryout-sopimuksen New York Islandersilta.

28-vuotias sveitsiläinen pelasi viime kaudella 30 ottelua Vegas Golden Knightsi riveissä kelpo tehopistein 2+12=14.

Sbisa on edustanut urallaan Golden Knightsin lisäksi Vancouver Canucksia, Anaheim Ducksia, and Philadelphia Flyersia. Kokenut puolustaja on pelannut NHL:ssä jo 495 ottelua tehoin 18+84=102.

Arthur Staple

Sbisa says he’s attending #Isles camp on a PTO.

Islanders-fanit eivät ottaneet niin suopeasti tietoa uudesta hankinnasta:

Arthur Staple

Interesting addition to #Isles vets skate today: D Luca Sbisa. Played with Vegas last season, no word yet whether there’s a contract or PTO coming.
The guy is a turnover machine!! Keep him away from this team!!!

Arthur Staple

Interesting addition to #Isles vets skate today: D Luca Sbisa. Played with Vegas last season, no word yet whether there’s a contract or PTO coming.
but......he's terrible.

Ryan Gillman


Arthur Staple

Interesting addition to #Isles vets skate today: D Luca Sbisa. Played with Vegas last season, no word yet whether there’s a contract or PTO coming.

Ben D.


Arthur Staple

Interesting addition to #Isles vets skate today: D Luca Sbisa. Played with Vegas last season, no word yet whether there’s a contract or PTO coming.
As a #Caps fan, Luca Sbisa will always hold a special place in my heart as the guy who misplayed the puck leading to the eventually Stanley Cup GWG by Lars Eller. Looking forward to seeing him even more next year!